“After you do something long enough it becomes a part of you. The way you interact with the world changes. Even walking down the sidewalk, I pay attention to the cracks. The spacing. The depth. How easy would it be to ride over this? I notice the texture of surfaces, take note of curb heights, […]

After hand-shaping and raffling off a custom axe at last year’s Agenda Show Long Beach, we knew it was going to be difficult to come up with something even more impressive for this year’s show. In the process of brainstorming and talking over a few options and ideas, someone threw out the possibility of making something […]
Three brothers find inspiration from a recent clear cut by their home in Vermont. Scavenging scrap wood to build a surprisingly skateable obstacle, they have a fun session in the backwoods of Manchester. Check out some more of their videos at: vimeo.com/user3333124