After hand-shaping and raffling off a custom axe at last year’s Agenda Show Long Beach, we knew it was going to be difficult to come up with something even more impressive for this year’s show. In the process of brainstorming and talking over a few options and ideas, someone threw out the possibility of making something […]

Winters in Portland are long, cold, and wet– but not quite cold enough to see any significant amount of snow in the city. Mt. Hood is close and accessible– if you’re willing to make the hour and a half drive and deal with the sometimes heavy traffic and often dangerous road conditions. The combination of […]

Here at the Shwood shop there is always someone staying late to work on a new side project. With the high standards for wood selection that go into production there is a constant stockpile of scrap materials that didn’t make the cut. Always on the lookout to build something interesting Shwood founder, Eric Singer, recently […]