For the 19th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Kelly Shea & Brendan Banks of Vancrafted on a stop in the High Sierras during their cross country road trip. In their own words: “This account takes places on week 15, day 105, of 5 months spent living on the road :: We are 2 people who traded our city apartments for one 30-year-old Volkswagen van and 15,000 miles of fresh air. At this point in the journey, our nerves have become as accustomed to gleaming mountain lion eyes at night as they were to taking the subway every day to work. This part of our journey finds us at a point where we have gained ease in the unknown of each coming day and love for camping with only nature surrounding us.”
See some sample photos below and check out Kelly & Brendan’s full photo essay HERE.