For the 13th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Preston Richardson and friends on a short, but action-packed, exploration of Norway. We have developed some serious travel envy from this one. In Preston’s words: “We headed west from Oslo as soon as our flights got in at 9:00 PM. It was pitch black when we got on the road and we were excited to see where we would end up along our 1,000 mile journey. The beauty of Norway was revealed to us as the sun rose and we couldn’t believe where we had ended up. The Hallingdal river was winding through a magical wooded forest so we slammed on the brakes and jumped out of the car for a few photos. I saw a spot that had potential for a river jump and after checking the depth, I took a plunge into the icy river water.”
See some sample photos below and check out Preston’s full photo essay HERE.