“After you do something long enough it becomes a part of you. The way you interact with the world changes. Even walking down the sidewalk, I pay attention to the cracks. The spacing. The depth. How easy would it be to ride over this? I notice the texture of surfaces, take note of curb heights, […]

In Journey 023, we follow along with photographer Laura Kaczmarek and friends as they explore an old, abandoned industrial park in Germany. What was originally planned as a search for unique, new places to skateboard turns into visual study of urban decay and the interaction between industry and nature. For the full photo essay, click […]
Follow Shwood’s own Eric Singer as he meets up with Keith Hufnagel and others to claim the streets of LA in pursuit of Shwood’s latest experiment, sunglasses made from broken skateboard decks. Crafted entirely in Shwood’s local woodshop, this one-of-a-kind pair of sunglasses was created out of curiosity, just to see what was possible. Thanks […]
Ever wonder how skateboarding would look from more angles than your own? Eli Stonberg straps on some cameras to get a peek at what skating looks like from the viewpoint of your body’s extremities, and even the board. Music – Blackbird Blackbird “Pure” // blackbirdblackbird.bandcamp.com