Tag Archives: oregon

For the 16th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Tally Gunstone on three trips from an adventure filled summer of 2014. From the summit of Mount Adams, to Eastern Oregon and the Wallowas, Tally basically made the Pacific Northwest her playground. See some sample photos below and check out Tally’s full photo essay HERE.

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For the 15th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Vic Garcia on a weekend trip down the Oregon Coast. In his own words: “12 o’clock noon on Friday couldn’t come fast enough. Of course it happened to be an especially busy day at work, making an early departure that much harder. Ryan and I […]

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Early last year we launched our Acetate collection introducing a brand new material, cellulose acetate, into our product offerings. This was a big step forward for us and we wanted to offer a little bit more information about acetate itself, how it’s made, and why we chose to use world-renowned Mazzucchelli cellulose acetate for our […]

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One of our in-house designers, Steve Ebert, recently went on a 2,600 mile roadtrip in a loop around the Northwest and brought some of our shades along. The trip began from our hometown of Portland, OR and snaked through Idaho, into Yellowstone and finally up through Glacier National Park. Just after the 4th of July, […]

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Journey 006 features Jesse Morrow and crew as they travel the American Southwest, head up the California coast, and return to their home base of Seattle. Originally their trip was planned to support a coffee roaster initiative, interviewing individual roasters, shooting photos and compiling it all into a book of sorts. After several roasters pulled […]

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