Shwood’s newest mixtape – No.6 – checks back in with some bands that have been featured previously and introduces some new faces as well. Among mixtape ‘rookies’ are Wooden Indian Burial Ground slinging raucous, feedback-laced sing along rock n’ roll; Pure Bathing Culture channeling Cyndi Lauper’s softer side into the ebbs and swells of an ocean […]
Showcasing a different side of Portland’s deep, diverse, and often eccentric music scene, Shwood’s Mixtape No. 5 is all about the beat. While the cliché of Portland is one of bearded men crooning over plucked acoustic guitars in coffee shops (and it’s not entirely untrue), the city also has a rich and rapidly growing electronic […]

There are lots of music sites out there. So many that it can be difficult to sift through all the junk to find the stuff that’s actually relevant. That’s why we were so excited to discover BANDxCITY. Not only do the writers compile a monthly playlist of music people actually want to listen to, but […]
Rad Portland artist, Shwood Mixtape alumni, and generally great guy, Dorian Duvall AKA Onuinu, released his first full length album today on Bladen County Records. Check it out below and be sure to catch him on his upcoming national tour with Starfucker. Dates after the jump.
We’re happy to share the fourth installation of our Shwood Mixtape. Still all Portland, all the time, #4 is a little less flannel and a little more black leather.