LET’S GET ONE THING STRAIGHT. Overnight success doesn’t exist, and if it did, you shouldn’t want it. If you want to be good at something, the time it takes to get good is important! “Overnight success” takes years of practice, dedication and education. I’ve been a filmmaker and photographer for over 10 years with SO […]

“After you do something long enough it becomes a part of you. The way you interact with the world changes. Even walking down the sidewalk, I pay attention to the cracks. The spacing. The depth. How easy would it be to ride over this? I notice the texture of surfaces, take note of curb heights, […]

“Inspiration is not something you can go out to the store and buy, rather it’s something that’s discovered spontaneously and kept close when found. I want to share that inspiring feeling with the world! Which is exactly why I had decided to make my dreams a reality and travel the United States building the photography portfolio […]