After hand-shaping and raffling off a custom axe at last year’s Agenda Show Long Beach, we knew it was going to be difficult to come up with something even more impressive for this year’s show. In the process of brainstorming and talking over a few options and ideas, someone threw out the possibility of making something […]

Philadelphia based McNabb & Co. Studio offers a refreshing and unique take on fine woodworking in their project, “The City Series”. Founder James McNabb meticulously uses a bandsaw to individually shape small pieces of various wood species, eventually combining them into stunning collages of sorts. The abstracted architectural forms come together in an interesting perspective […]

We don’t typically feature a lot of product here on Experiment with Nature, but this one was too cool to pass up. Introducing FLYTE : “FLYTE is a levitating light which hovers by magnetic levitation and is powered through the air. With FLYTE, we’ve set the lightbulb free.” The bulb features cutting edge technology paired with […]

Jesse Morrow did such a fantastic job in telling his story in his first Journeys feature that we decided to bring him back for a second round. This time, he and a friend explored Southeast Asia, discovering that sometimes a trip becomes about more than just the itinerary. See some sample photos below and check […]