The jagged coastlines of the Pacific Northwest are a juxtaposition of strength and grace. Peppered with tide pools, plant life, and rock formations, the environment is teeming with life, both above and below the surface. A close look into the nooks and crannies of the landscape reveals a hidden world of colors and textures. To […]

Sculpture and photographer Andy Goldsworthy (British, b.1956) has spent the last several decades creating transitory, site-specific installations around the English and Scottish countryside. Using largely found materials, he builds his works on-site, allowing them to form organically and intuitively. His works are intentionally temporary and he views the inherent decay as a part of the […]

An abandoned subway stop in Manhattan’s Lower East Side is the future site of an amazing feat of ingenuity: the world’s first underground park. Using new technology that allows funneling sunlight from the street above, the three-block-long park will host flourishing plantlife, bringing nature back into a previously desolate urban artifact. The Lowline is projected […]
Using high-pressure resin casting and our hand-made processing technique, we’ve taken inspiration from elements of the most awe-inspiring environments in the world and transformed them into one-of-a-kind wearable art. Just as every inspirational experience is unique, so is every handmade piece of this collection. Check out the experiment below and visit our site HERE to see […]
Inspiration is easily found but rarely encapsulated. With the new Badlands collection, we’ve mastered a new process of stabilization of natural materials. Using high-pressure resin casting and our hand-made processing technique, we’ve taken inspiration from elements of the most awe-inspiring environments in the world and transformed them into one-of-a-kind wearable art. Just as every inspirational […]