“Inspiration is not something you can go out to the store and buy, rather it’s something that’s discovered spontaneously and kept close when found. I want to share that inspiring feeling with the world! Which is exactly why I had decided to make my dreams a reality and travel the United States building the photography portfolio […]

STRAIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE “The London underground is old! Over 150 years of stale air and broken escalators, however it is without doubt a highlight for anyone visiting London due to the very British nature of the service, iconic map design, incredibly diverse stations and ever present ‘mind the gap’ moments. Like most Londoners I […]

At the crossroads of technology, nature, and aesthetics, Arterrae is a project that finds the awe-inspiring textures and colors hidden in Google Maps satellite images. It appropriates and subverts the go-to navigation tool for aesthetic ends, where the glitches, watermarks, and pixelation intermix with beautiful terrain to create something altogether new. Created by former Shwood […]