The jagged coastlines of the Pacific Northwest are a juxtaposition of strength and grace. Peppered with tide pools, plant life, and rock formations, the environment is teeming with life, both above and below the surface. A close look into the nooks and crannies of the landscape reveals a hidden world of colors and textures. To […]

For the fifth installment of our Journeys photo essay series we follow along with Shwood Collaborator Jess Bianchi on a road trip from San Francisco to Oregon. Jess and his friend Emily drive his van along Highway 101 on the way up– pulling over to camp, search for waves, explore the redwoods, and truly experience […]

Polish street artist NeSpoon created this installation at Oak Beach on the Baltic Sea. Using lace, spray paint, and a few pieces of driftwood, these pieces fit seamlessly into the landscape as if they’d grown there naturally. Check out NeSpoon’s many other lacy installations from around the world by viewing her portfolio here.