Nature is seldom matched in its beauty & simplicity. A prime example of this simple form & function are diatoms. Located in nearly every place that there is standing water, diatoms are single celled algae that encase themselves in beautiful glass shells. There are hundreds of thousands of varieties of diatoms all that build their own unique […]

Here at Shwood we are constantly searching for inspiring ways to think about and use natural materials. Recently, we were blown away by the creativity, craftsmanship, and playfulness of these live-able sculptures that bridge the gap between art and life. Bay Area fine artist, Jay Nelson, is not concerned with all of his cuts and […]

We’ve all been there, you’re working on a project, writing a paper, trying to capture that perfect moment with your digital camera, standing up as that buzzer-beating shot goes up, and all of a sudden – your machine glitches, flashes a random jumble of colors, and crashes. For most of us, this occurrence is usually […]

Artist Guy Laramee offers an interesting take in his work on the oft-used phrase “print is dead”. In his own words from his artist statement: “My work, in 3D as well as in painting, originates from the very idea that ultimate knowledge could very well be an erosion instead of an accumulation. The title of […]

Here at Shwood, we are fortunate to live in Portland, a city surrounded by amazing wilderness and nature just a short drive in almost any direction. We love to get in the woods and often encourage others to do the same. Beautiful and interesting things can be found in urban areas too however, and even a […]