Shwood’s newest mixtape – No.6 – checks back in with some bands that have been featured previously and introduces some new faces as well. Among mixtape ‘rookies’ are Wooden Indian Burial Ground slinging raucous, feedback-laced sing along rock n’ roll; Pure Bathing Culture channeling Cyndi Lauper’s softer side into the ebbs and swells of an ocean […]

Shwood favorites (and Mixtape and Spots alums), Aan are set to release a new 7″ record on February 5th (via Cool Summer Records). We’re especially into the B-Side of the record “Spiritual Provisions”. Stream the album over here. They’ll also be going on a short NW tour in support of this album including a couple dates with […]
Bud and Jon from Portland-based experimental-pop band AAN introduced us to the field by the freeway on Mississippi Avenue’s less traveled south end. A serene, grassy field that abruptly runs into I-5, Bud used to frequent this chaotically beautiful place to reflect on the day, find inspiration, or just watch the cars go by. […]
We have something to tell you: We love you. And we love Portland – It’s complicated. But what better way to express our true feelings than with a mixtape. Featuring some of our very favorite Portland (and Seattle) bands – bands you may not have heard of yet, but ones we think you definitely should […]