For the 21st installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Jeremy Koreski & Trevor Gordon on a surf exploration in Ecuador. In his own words: “I‘ve always liked traveling to places I‘ve never heard of. It‘s better that way. If I‘ve heard of a place, I figure a lot of other people will have too. And […]

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For the 20th installment of our Journeys series, we get reminded by Sarah Cabalka that adventures don’t necessarily need to be a long way from home. Sarah organized a camping excursion just outside of Portland along the Columbia River in an attempt to remind herself and her friends of simpler days. See some sample photos below […]

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For the 19th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Kelly Shea & Brendan Banks of Vancrafted on a stop in the High Sierras during their cross country road trip. In their own words: “This account takes places on week 15, day 105, of 5 months spent living on the road :: We are […]

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For the 18th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Carey Quinton Haider on a trip exploring the Western USA. In Carey’s words “The route I would take and the things I planned on seeing were a mystery card. I packed my bags on Wednesday May 28th, 2014 and met my cousin on Mt. […]

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For the 17th installment of our Journeys series, we follow along with Amanda Leigh Smith on a motorcycle trip across South America. In her own words: “In November of 2013, my boyfriend and his best friend left on the journey of a lifetime riding two custom Honda XR600s from Whistler, Canada to the southern most town […]

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