We have something to tell you: We love you. And we love Portland – It’s complicated. But what better way to express our true feelings than with a mixtape. Featuring some of our very favorite Portland (and Seattle) bands – bands you may not have heard of yet, but ones we think you definitely should […]
Ever wonder how skateboarding would look from more angles than your own? Eli Stonberg straps on some cameras to get a peek at what skating looks like from the viewpoint of your body’s extremities, and even the board. Music – Blackbird Blackbird “Pure” // blackbirdblackbird.bandcamp.com

Close friends of Shwood, Shadows on Stars, recently release their debut song, “Now You’re Mine“. –To hear the track simply click on one of the dots in the image by mousing over it.–

In a recent collaborative project with Canadian clothing manufacturer, Ransom Holding Co., we chose to work with a unique Canadian Oak that was sourced at The Century Mill, located outside the metro Toronto area. With the Mill dating back over 150 years, we were curious to gain some insight into the history of the place […]