STRAIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE “The London underground is old! Over 150 years of stale air and broken escalators, however it is without doubt a highlight for anyone visiting London due to the very British nature of the service, iconic map design, incredibly diverse stations and ever present ‘mind the gap’ moments. Like most Londoners I […]

At the crossroads of technology, nature, and aesthetics, Arterrae is a project that finds the awe-inspiring textures and colors hidden in Google Maps satellite images. It appropriates and subverts the go-to navigation tool for aesthetic ends, where the glitches, watermarks, and pixelation intermix with beautiful terrain to create something altogether new. Created by former Shwood […]
Brooklyn based artist, director, and all-around stuff-maker, Mac Premo, was tasked by the World Wildlife Fund to raise awareness for this past years’ Earth Hour (which occurred March 28th, 2015 at 8:30PM). The project asked him to take something already existing in the world (namely, trash) and re-purpose it into something useable and beneficial to daily life. […]
Sometimes it’s all about your point of view. Georges Rousse creates mesmerizing windows into another world by meticulously crafting his single perspective installations, creating 3-dimensional paintings that come together when you stand in the perfect spot. Check out the video on his process, see the examples of his work below, and visit his website HERE.

Philadelphia based McNabb & Co. Studio offers a refreshing and unique take on fine woodworking in their project, “The City Series”. Founder James McNabb meticulously uses a bandsaw to individually shape small pieces of various wood species, eventually combining them into stunning collages of sorts. The abstracted architectural forms come together in an interesting perspective […]