“There is a palpable sense of freedom in living month to month. Financial security has never been in view, and I certainly don’t expect to see it over the next pass, or the one after. This lifestyle is stressful for some, freeing for others. For me it’s a sacrifice I make to travel and to […]

As soon as we left Los Angeles, I promised myself to be more trustworthy with my intuition. I started to confidently make decisions without any hesitation simply because it felt right. Oddly enough, by loosening control over everything, it felt as though life became effortless. Everything for the trip began to take shape. Grant Puckett […]

Photographer Peter Schweitzer shares this candid, intimate piece for Journeys No. 27. And then one day I saw you, I stopped and truly looked at you. That was enough, that is all it took, I had found home. I found that point of light to guide me back, a safe place to rest. For me, […]

Join brothers Matthew and Dakota Thornton as they travel through Oregon and the Eagle Cap Wilderness in Journey No. 26. You can view the entire story on the Shwood Journeys site here.

On our 25th Journey, we follow photographers Devin O’Dea, Ashleigh Rose, Heno Head, and friends on a train trip down the East Coast, relying on the helpful nature of perfect strangers and traveling via good vibes from Montreal, Quebec to Austin, Texas! Check out the rest of their adventure on the Shwood Journeys site: http://journeys.shwoodshop.com/the-big-east-trip